Exploration is a major part of human evolution whether it might be on planet or on space, even though few of them visited space it is benefits every people on earth so let us look into how space exploration helps human beings

Space exploration helps in studying about space giants which ultimately minimize danger from space

Since Space examination minimize threats from above it ensures smooth function of economic activities

Since every country survive on single planet they leave aside any political issues and work together in co-ordination for collective good

Science is a vast subject study of space in education can create interest in kids at their young age which creates Scientific discoveries which always helps in increasing scientific and technical jobs

Space examination helps in creation of exploration , safety, production on earth by creation of technology ,medicines, industry respectively

Humans development in space exploration helps in development of all sectors which help in reducing global challenges regarding innovation

It helps in creation, development and combination of humans and robotics system

Space investigation helps human race to investigate and evolve in solving natural calamities from up and below

Space exploration always help us in studying and sustaining life on other exoplanets like we are having on mother earth

Space exploration creates service driven space employment and helps in improving education system having science subject in primary and higher education

Examination of space aid in creation of things like solar panels, heart monitors, water purification system, space suits ETC

It only helped in building several 1st like first satellite , 1st rocket, 1st space craft, 1st man mission to space, creation of ISS(international space station)

All of above creation helps scientists and engineering about catastrophic events like asteroid hit, super nova, white hole and black holes, space weather ETC which ultimately helps smooth function of people on earth without any fear

Universe in very vast and full off mystery too space examination helps in decoding those mystery and assist in searching alien life existence

Space research helped in early fabrication of techs like power and energy storage facility, transportation, helps in advancement of medicines and engineering

Education is the tool if we learn and implement in real life it can change life learning space science as part of education can make us meet he god

Through Space examination we discovered the size and age of the universe  asteroids hit earth which ultimately help to minimize threats

An research shows that 500 meteorites reach the earth surface every year and 17 meteors hit earth threats like these are minimized by space examination

Studying space helped humans to launch manmade satellite which is today helping in navigation, nuclear and missile testing, monitoring resources etc

It only helped in in discovering hottest planet, coolest planet ,natural satellite of planets, volcanic activities ETC

 The techs used by NASA,ISRO and other space agencies which are created by for space study today are being used as house hold stuff like mobile phones, camera, OWEN ETC

Since some of the earth resources are limited to some years exploring space might help in solving resource problem, there is a study going on for asteroids mining and capturing thunder which have lot of resources and electricity n borders soldiers work as a frontline similarly exploring space will work as a frontline from any catastrophic events like ozone layer damage, radiation, altered gravity, ETC

the correct distance from sun around 93 million miles far from sun earth rotates around the sun on velocity of 18.5 miles a second for365 days around the sun, which makes earth safest planet in the solar system all of these information by space experimentation


evolution starts with experimentation every science discoveries should positively work for humans it should create any  gap between our own fellow humans