Evolving is a continuous process where humans started from finding fire to space exploration today. From history to mystery everything created for a reason which humans tends to  explore in changing world so let us look how the world will be in the year 2050

The world get to see huge changes in environment, technology, finance and health so let us look into those changes


Well there is brighter side and darker side for environment as we move towards 2050

Re-searchers estimated that by 2050  sun may go to experience it’s minimum radiation phase and we might have chill  and mini ice age situation

Co2 will reach 43.08billion metric tons in 2050

The amount of earth geo magnetic field will decrease as it started to loose 42.000 year ago

Green house gases will be at 50% of it’s emission

Dust Strome will occur more in every part of earth more which results in even more electronic failures

A study shows that the world needs 8.1 TRILLION USD investment in nature to handle plant environment crisis

         nature threats like heat strome, flooding, landslides, air pollution, drought, water and             air quality sea level will rise




India can witness 7% increase in GDP per year

The payment system will be more advance with use of more artificial intelligence

The payment methods will be in accordance with customer needs and demand

Crypto currency and bitcoin transaction will be in great practice which replace fiat, paper currency

Joint venture will be in greater number and MNC companies  will collaborate more

Financial capital allocation and product& services will be invested more in technology, health ,artificial intelligence ETC

Short term investment companies and credit card agencies will try AI in there services in greater number


In 2050 combination of humans and robots will make human as cyborg with greater strength and health than the previous state

Problems like blindness, heart attack, lungs disorder ETC will be given solution and get cured with use of prosthetic organs which act as a organs and use of  stem cells to cure any diseases

Nano bots will take over our system and helps in expanding our neo-cortex and DNA sampling which eliminates any pandemic threats and heredity diseases People can measure there BP, heart rate, calorie count ETC while sitting at home               


The advancement of technology in 2050 will be in peak several jobs will emerge in tech field

EV bus ,trucks, cars, helicopter, drones, hyperloop and starships will no more be a sci-fi concept

Advancement in commercial and house hold buildings even in those buildings we are given option to control environment accordingly

by 2050 10.000.000 million units of ELECRIC VEHICLES will be on road

companies like amazon ,FLIP-KART, zipline, ups ETC will deliver orders through drones and un-maned vehicles

trucks and buses will be using 25% of renewable energy which results in zero emission to environment

in 2020 more than 21 billion things were connected to sensors imagine these numbers in the year 2050

extensive use of ocean energy, thermal energy, tidal energy, solar and wind energy will be in more which results in new methods of storing energy in forms like heat, materials ,and pressurized compression ETC

VR(virtual reality) and use of cultural meat and vertical farming &consumption hydro plants products will be added in our lifestyle


India can witness 90to 99% literacy rate

According to Gautam Adani the GDP of INDIA is expected to reach  30trillion$ by 2050 

9.73 billion people will get access to internet  by 2050

in 1990 out of 1000, 93 deaths happened but from 1990to 2015 out of 20, one death being registered as we move towards 2050 even this number don't exist

according to world population prospects by 2050 68% world population will move towards urban areas

we get see many mega projects near our city too with that we also get to see less operating cost to travel into space

the technology oriented workforce will be more skilled ones and will be having high pay-scale and workforce will have global exposure


creation is a part of human evolution as we are staying in KALI YUGA we should evolve even more with right creation of technology for right purpose in keeping nature in mind