There are several diseases which takes thousands of people life so today let us discuss about some diseases there signs and treatment for it


Heart attack

75% of cvd (cordiovascular diseases ) occur in low middle income countries

In INDIA 2016 1 out of 4 deaths is due to heart attack

In INDIA more than 17cr people die to heart attack

By 2030 2.3cr deaths might happen due to heart attack 

They occur due to high BP, glucose, lipids and overweight

Heart attack occur due to Lifestyle issue like lack of exercise, stress, eating habits, hypertension, tobacco, high cholesterol ,through genetics also god give us intricate electrical system, pulse generator, which take current from 1 to another part of the heart


Chest pain ,shortness of breath, excessive tiredness, chronic coughing, lack of appetite, confusion in thinking, high BP ETC


Due to new technology we can treat patient with pace-maker, ICD, high density mapping etc


According to who 1 in 15 INDIANS will die due to cancer

7 lakh people die in INDIA due to cancer

Cancer may occur in body parts like in lungs, stomach, skin, ETC

Reasons for cancer might be failure in proper work of body parts or might occur due to particular virus and bacteria or because of bad habits


Signs may include body ache ,weight loss, viral fever, fatigue, swelling, blood in cough, ETC


Early recognition and treatment for cancer is the best action

Some of the treatments may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and will power


Death rate due to diarrhea is more than 1.52.000 in INDIA

for diarrhea around 3.27.000 clinic visit are being registered

average human intestine is about 8mtr long due to diarrhea the absorption power of intestine will reduce a bit and might result in lose of water 20lts

even from the history times it has killed several king and king makers


Loosestoll .blootins, abdominal pain.


Lack of clean water, poor sanitisation facality, malnourishment, weak immune.


Oral rehydration solution(ors) will help in replacing the fluids

Taking anti diarrheal drugs will help

If you have 102.f fever do get appointment with doctor


7.4% of total deaths in the country is due to stroke

According to 2019 6.99.000 deaths occur due to this

There is mis-consumption that it will happen only in old age people according to study it is seen in 40 to 60 yr aged people


Signs may include weakness, numbness in face, arm and leg

Seeing blur from one or both eyes

Severe head ache

Trouble in walking and balancing body


High bp and cholesterol

Diabetes and heart diseases

Smoking and genetic disorder


Treatment may include surgery and therapies according to the strokes

Supportive care like monitoring the heart beat

Ace inhibitor and alteplase Etc medications


Both of them invade Indians in huge numbers both of them is also one of the ignored diseases in INDIA, due to hypertension and work culture and genes they are appearing in early age also

both of them created to act as a body function


(blood pressure) if it goes to high or low then it is diseases otherwise it’s just a body function


Insulin is much needed for body to function properly If insulin amount increase or decrease in body then it is called as diabetes


BP(blood pressure)

about 1/3 of Indian population suffer from hypertension about 2.6 lakh Indians die due to this

around 46% of adults unaware that they have this condition

it is the one of the major reason for deaths in earlier age


chest pain and difficulty in breathing

irregular heart beat with severe headache

fatigue and confusion in vision

nose bleed and blood in urine


Eating too much which leads to overweight cause high bp

Too much salt in consuming food

Lack of physical activity

Too much smoking and alcohol consumption


Eating in controlled manner with less salt reduce risk of bp

Self care is the best care exercise regularly will help you to keep low risk for high bp

Use of modern technology like ace inhibitor, beta blocker help in controlling bp


Diabetes are found extensively in low and middle income countries

In 2019 due to this 1.5 million deaths happened and ranked in 9th rank in causing deaths

It is one of the major disease which is increasing in millions by 2045 134 million Indians are expected to get hit by diabetes


More hunger and fatigue

Blurred vision

Urinating more than regular

Slow healing and numbness on legs



Unhealthy consumption of beverages and raw foods

Inactive lifestyle

Genetic mutations and hormonal change



Diet control is the key here

Regular blood sugar check and controlled carbohydrate consumption

Use of insulin

Physical activity and oral medication


Every disease affects negatively on body structure if we concentrate on prevention rather than cure it is very best option