Public transport is one of the place where more number of people gather around and travel to their designated route ,there are several mode of transport if these modes of transport disappeared let us look at the problems arising only 3 of them are discussed below


If no trains say bye to cheaper travelling option cost of travelling will increase more number of cars and bike will roam around the city or anywhere city become over crowded with cars

Government treasure become close to empty according to 2020-21 freight revenue is at 1,11,7386cr no train say no these revenue, on a note Indian railway has 1.54 million employes,Indian railway on 2020 carried 808.6 cr people around the india Indian rail has more than 67956 kilometer of railway network  around 7325+ stations in india goes abanded there will be no sigh of maintenance

No train means all the employes go job less as a result there will be sudden drop in percapita income which effect on national income

The daily product usage rate will get minimized because the majority of the demanded goods are supplied through railways on another note around 1.5TO1.7 billion green house gas released from road vehicles train do emit gases but numbers will be less

Even some world records are made in railways also like world’s longest and highest platform if no  train we can’t get see these engineering marvel


Say good bye to cheaper international travels for USA ship industry will be around on 2023 2$trillion that’s how big is shipping industry,no ships means severe scarcity arise for food ,electronics,because demand and supply chained will get blocked with out ships

Since majority of earth is covered by water we need a transport mode on water too,india in 2019 exported total of 330$ billion  with out ships less number of export and import will happen which results in revenue decrease  of the nation

Some people even own these yart ship as a richness sign without ship standard of people will decrease, on a note people might feel more anxious tense without  ships because today in this fast moveing world people spend majority of there time on work if they want vacation since no boats no vacation

India is in eight rank in importing goods if no ship all exporting and importing companies will go in losss resulting in global economy crisis

In 2018 179 metric tons goods is been movedwithout ships we will be seeing 2022 products in 2023


No aeroplane say good bye to fast moveing for 5500km travel it will take 2 days in ship with aeroplane it can be minimized to 8hr

Over seas partnership will slowdown more than 44.8 million tourism jobs will be at risk

For Kashmir to Kanyakumari there is 3676km if you travel by road it take 61.27hr  2and half days but if you travel from flight it take around 16h55m less than aday

Without flight birds won’t get tense but people over the world feels more tense because less vacation will happen without flights which indirectly effects on international tourism

On2019 balkot airstrike happened which resulted in 300 terriost death without aeroplane nation defense will be at risk

Majority of international products are delivered to hosted country through aeroplanes


many fast moveing and fast consumeing goods will not be available on time without trucks it's effect directly can be seen in retail industry 

in 2019 65% transportation depended on it even goods transported through railway, aeroplane,ship needs to be delivered on shop and home doors without trucks it won't happen in quicker phase

indian has more than 62,15,797km of road network and around 300 million house are there all the items are delivered through help of trucks


without bus there will be no mass movement of people more number of green house gases will get released because of more usage of car and bikes and other private vehicles 

there are more than 10lakh buses in india without bus majority of people stay unemployed