There are sevral instruments which changed world ,some helped in discovering new things and some helped in creation of new things so let us look into those invention


From compass the way of exploring the world has changed it’s usage starts from history period and still to this date it is in use diversification of compass is seen in today world but the basic principle still remains thesame

Before this it was hard to navigate in rising tides,sailers used to navigate in vast mighty sea, ocean using sunlight

The credit goes to Chinese who invented this compass in 11thor 12 th century useing  earth magnitude it acted has a backup for them when sun,landmarks could not be seen

Even though Chinese scientists have developed it  the western Europeans used it in greater number where there excessive usage changed the discovery era

Today it’s principle is being used in massive ships,aeroplane,fighter jets etc which help them in in reaching there base safely


One of the earlier invention which helped the humanity to increase there moveing capabilities since every action has equal and opposite reaction if these were not invented car,bike ,aeroplane etc automobiles are not available in our time

This invention gave birth to steam and petrol engines without wheels we will be in pre historic era

Without wheels we were not able to move towards development in a quicker phase,movement of goods and people are quite challenging

Wheels are extension of human legs if not goods which are in demand can’t be supplied on time

Today automobile give employment rate from1.7millionTO1.36million people if wheels are not invented majority of population will be unemployed

Light bulb

Natural light are limited to daylight,this particular light bulb invention serving now as a alternative for day and night light,it helped the mankind to stay active even in nights

On 1879 thomas edison invented it which changed the history

Since  earth is becoming over populated to supply these increasing demand we need to increase productivity invention of light lead to increase productivity even in night time

Around 70 million bulbs are produced in india every month such as business contribute to lot of employment generation


Since mankind is based on exploration while we explore we tend to destroy nature creation as a result there will be more risk of infectious disease

Mother nature has already medicine in her we just needed to obtain it and give it a form Hippocrates was 1st who invented medicines

There are around 1 million+ virus are there among them 320000 infect mammal

The invention of medicines gave humanity basic protection from those diseases,in US around 2.8million antibiotic resistant infection will occur has a result  35000 people die in us imagine the numbers without medicines

We all know Deadly viruses like plague,nipha, smallpox etc have troubled the mankind without medicines it’s hard to control them even it can be tracked back in ayurvedic period of india



a team of computer scienceist in us defense designed it lawrence robert in 1960 invented it 

it used method of packet switching now its is asset for every humans without it no connectivity,communication,no information,entertainment etc

according to mc kinsey global institute internet provides 1.2 million jobs but it also destroyed 500000 jobs 

without internet country defense system,will be in great danger even for commercial activities willbe in dead slow without internet,on another note  technological evolution of humanity will be in slower phase without internet



without invention there is no evolution there are sevral invention which changed humanity for greater good few are listed here invention has 2 sides negative and positive side we should choose greater side for greater good