The first and for-most reason is that our planet earth is in golden lock zone of solar system

The solar flames on earth is less thanks to a well structured ozone layer, adding to the point earth has right amount of oxygen and carbon-dioxide which make life sustainable

With right amount co2 oxygen ,nitrogen etc the plants can prepare there own food which ultimately helps in sustaining food chain

The right amount of earth gravity makes human not leave miserable life on earth, more gravity leads to more muscle pain

The well structure of earth is also contributed by other planets of solar system like Jupiter and Saturn which takes majority of asteroid hits and protects planet earth

A balance of all the chemicals on earth benefits humans in leaving in ordinary concreate house if the atmosphere of earth was like any other planet humans should has to leave in pressurized buildings

The well structured earth atmosphere creates very less amount of dust strome which makes us to get benefit of  getting very less power failure

Earth has a capacity to regulate temperature and maintain optimum atmosphere pressure

The most important point is that earth is the only planet which has tectonic plates which helps in regulating carbon-dioxide and tectonic plates helps in creation of new lands

The availability of elements and resources at every place leads to less war between countries that is why earth is very important

The fertility of soil and availability of friendly bacteria makes food cultivation better and easy

The heat exchange of mother earth and geomagnetic field makes earth even more safer than any planet

Solar wind protection of earth deflects harmful rays of sun and makes humans skin suffer less from any skin diseases

Earth provides nature beauty with spirituality with that earth has it’s own natural fresh water with toxin purifier

It has nature art act like recycle of water ,pollination, with availability of renewable resource and non-renewable resources adding note to that balance of predator and prey in food chain

Even with all of this this point earth has helped humans to evolve from pin to plane from stone age to tech age

with it’s allowance on usage of resources generated several employment opportunities

mother earth is mystery planet it has 95%of ocean which remains unexplored as time and tech moves on it allows to discover it’s creation

the correct distance from sun around 93 million miles far from sun earth rotates around the sun on velocity of 18.5 miles a second for365 days around the sun, which makes earth safest planet in the solar system

some of the resources are always in demand and being consistently used like petrol, gold, diamond, copper, aluminium etc which are extensively found in every regions of different countries

earth act sometime act as teacher if humans extensively destroy nature for greedy it has it’s own way of natural act floods, landslide, earthquake, wildfire etc which teaches lot to human race

even to balance these natural disaster earth has given us hydrocarbons which fuels the billions of people to come out of poverty

everything has it’s equal and opposite reaction you might heard and studied this line, our planet fallows it to in order to get sustainable food we should do agriculture, in order to run mechanized vehicles we need to extract energy, all these activity include the meaning of above line

in india only there is around 8000+ medical plants which makes human life to retrieve back to life imagine the amount of medical plants available around the globe no other planet has this much of flora and fauna in it

the study of microscopes organism ,elements, fossils etc help in studying the earth mystery which allows human race to evolve to future threats and problems


earth given so much to humans if we respect it with every positive action and work other wise mother earth as it’s own act to tell we are not alone in this universe