From the history time human have learned several things either by physically or mythologically these were the arts even several gods possessed it like lord krishna, today educational system is also indirectly connected to these ancient art so let us look how these arts teaches humans  and why it is important

1. Geet vidya: art of singing.
2. Vadya vidya: ability of playing on musical instruments

3. Vina­damuraka­vadya: art of playing on lute and small drum

4. Manasi kavya­kriya: art of composing verse
5. Nritya vidya: capability of dancing.
6. Natya vidya: art of theatricals.
7. Alekhya vidya: mastary of painting.
8.Viseshakacchedya vidya: art of painting the face and body with color
9. Tandula­kusuma­bali­vikara: knack of preparing offerings from rice and flowers.
10. Pushpastarana: art of making a covering of flowers for a bed.
11. Dasana­vasananga­raga: ability of applying preparations for cleansing the teeth, cloths and painting the body.
12. Mani­bhumika­karma: art of making the groundwork of jewels.
13. Aayya­racana: art of covering the bed.
14. Udaka­vadya: craft of playing on music in water.
15. Udaka­ghata: art of splashing with water.
16. Citra­yoga: mastering of practically applying an admixture of colors.
17. Malya­grathana­vikalpa: ability of designing a preparation of wreaths.
18. Sekharapida­yojana: art of practically setting the coronet on the head.
19. Nepathya­yoga: art of practically dressing in the tiring room.
20. Karnapatra­bhanga: art of decorating the tragus of the ear.
21. Sugandha­yukti: mastary of practical application of aromatics.
22. Bhushana­yojana: art of applying or setting ornaments.
23. Aindra­jala: art of juggling.
24. Kaucumara: a kind of art.
25. Hasta­laghava: craft of sleight of hand.
26. Citra­sakapupa­bhakshya­vikara­kriya: art of preparing varieties of delicious food.
27. Panaka­rasa­ragasava­yojana: art of practically preparing palatable drinks and tinging draughts with red color.
28. Suci­vaya­karma: mastary of needleworks and weaving.
29. Sutra­krida: art of playing with thread..
30. Prahelika: art of making and solving riddles.
31. Durvacaka­yoga: ability of practicing language difficult to be answered by others.
32. Pustaka­vacana: art of reciting books.
33. Natikakhyayika­darsana: art of enacting short plays and anecdotes.
34. Kavya­samasya­purana: capability of solving enigmatic verses.
35. Pattika­vetra­bana­vikalpa: art of designing preparation of shield, cane and arrows.
36. Tarku­karma: knack of spinning by spindle.
37. Takshana: art of carpentry.
38. Vastu­vidya: capability of engineering.
39. Raupya­ratna­pariksha: art of testing silver and jewels.
40. Dhatu­vada: art of metallurgy.
41. Mani­raga jnana: art of tinging jewels.
42. Akara jnana: art of mineralogy.
43. Vrikshayur­veda­yoga: art of practicing medicine or medical treatment, by herbs.
44. Mesha­kukkuta­lavaka­yuddha­vidhi: art of knowing the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and birds.
45. Suka­sarika­pralapana: artistry of maintaining or knowing conversation between male and
female cockatoos.
46. Utsadana: capability of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes.
47. Kesa­marjana­kausala: art of combing hair.
48. Akshara­mushtika­kathana: art of talking with fingers.
49. Dharana­matrika: art of the use of amulets.
50. Desa­bhasha­jnana: art of knowing provincial dialects.
51. Nirmiti­jnana: capability of knowing prediction by heavenly voice.
52. Yantra­matrika: art of mechanics.
53. Mlecchita­kutarka­vikalpa: art of fabricating barbarous or foreign sophistry.
54. Samvacya: knack of conversation.

55. Kriya­vikalpa: art of designing a literary work or a medical remedy.
56. Chalitaka­yoga: ability of practicing as a builder of shrines called after him.
57. Abhidhana­kosha­cchando­jnana: art of the use of lexicography and meters.
58. Vastra­gopana: art of concealment of cloths.
59. Dyuta­visesha: skill of knowing specific gambling.
60. Akarsha­krida: art of playing with dice or magnet.
61. Balaka­kridanaka: skill of using children’s toys.
62. Vainayiki vidya: art of enforcing discipline.
63. Vaijayiki vidya: skill of gaining victory.
64. Vaitaliki vidya: art of awakening master with music at dawn.

These were the list of ancient-art which were are listed so let us look the teachings behind each of them

Geet vidya- art of singing , Vadya vidya- ability of playing music instrument ,Vina­damuraka­vadya-art of playing flute and small drums, Manasi kavya­kriya capability of composing verse.

all of these teaches importance of singing and music instrument both helps in

Stimulates more immune in the body

Act as a anti-depressant it lowers stress level and improves overall mental alertness

a quality singing and ability to use instrument increase social circle

it act has a medicine dosage to people who are suffering from various problems

it enhances memory power and quality of sleep


Nritya vidya ; ability to dance dance has several benefit like

Increase flexibility and agility

Storage bones with endurance

No more issue of over weight

The strength of the muscle will be in greater number

Since bones and muscle increases better co-ordination with reflex


 Natya vidya: art of theatricals.
Alekhya vidya: mastary of painting.

Viseshakacchedya vidya: art of painting the face and body with color

Natikakhyayika­darsana: art of enacting short plays and anecdotes

All of these improves our creativity and act as a fun and stress free activity

It improves your social life makes you as team player

Emotional well being will increase with improvement in imagination

It boost good memory with creative attitude

Tandula­kusuma­bali­vikara: knack of preparing offerings from rice and flowers.

Pushpastarana and Aayya­racana: art of making a covering of flowers for a bed.

It educates us the way of training guests, in today world joint family is becoming nuclear family this art act has a bond creator between own and others family by serving food ,food and sports can bring people together

Dasana­vasananga­raga: knack of cleansing the teeth, cloths and painting the body

Vastra­gopana: competence of concealment of cloths

Kesa­marjana­kausala: knack of combing hair.

Akshara­mushtika­kathana: art of talking with fingers

All of these instruct us about importance of maintaining hygienic body health there are  various factors which decides the health, among them clean cloth and nourishing keratin filled hair too

Mani­bhumika­karma: art of making the groundwork of jewels

Mani­raga jnana: ability of tinging jewels

Raupya­ratna­pariksha: knack of testing silver and jewels

Dharana­matrika: art of using amulets

gold is being given importance from ancient time All of these teaches us about how to make and use gold amulets, today from 18-24 aged women buy more gold than any age groups, a study and preparation of gold at ancient age, today it work has a asset in modern world.


Udaka­vadya: craft of playing on music in water.

Udaka­ghata: art of splashing with water.

Citra­yoga: mastering of practically applying an admixture of colors.

Malya­grathana­vikalpa: ability of designing a preparation of wreaths.

All of these ancient art educate about relaxation, in both ancient and modern times life has twist and turns and involves stress, anxiety, disorder etc these art help to relax with help of nature things

Sekharapida­yojana: art of practically setting the coronet on the head

This art is a special one which educates us about arrangement of things ,in earlier times the crown showcased superior power, in today world crown for common man is skill and knowledge a balance should be made between skill and knowledge to not let out-run our vision

Nepathya­yoga: art of practically dressing in the tiring room.

Karnapatra­bhanga: art of decorating the tragus of the ear.

Sugandha­yukti: mastary of practical application of aromatics.

Bhushana­yojana: art of applying or setting ornaments

Dharana­matrika: art of the use of amulets

In constantly changing world we need to update our-self all these ancient art teaches us about way of beautifying our-self it educates us about to standout different between other individuals

Aindra­jala: art of juggling

Hasta­laghava: craft of sleight of hand

This ancient art educate us about any work should be made in perfection, a certain type of professional practice leads to perfection , this art generate employment to several people today juggling and hand tricks are being used as a profession of earning it provides jobs to circus people  

Kaucumara: a practice of preparing various food

Citra­sakapupa­bhakshya­vikara­kriya: art of preparing varieties of delicious food.

Panaka­rasa­ragasava­yojana: art of practically preparing palatable drinks and tinging draughts with red color.

It teaches the importance of food everybody works for shelter ,  cloth ,food, respecting food by designing it is a profession for many chef

Suci­vaya­karma: mastary of needleworks and weaving.

Sutra­krida: art of playing with thread

This ancient art tells us about cloth preparation is a part of civilized culture and also the tradition, it teaches us special skill which can be converted into profession in the stage of human evolution

Prahelika: art of making and solving riddles.

This bygone art teaches us to overcome any problems ,use of this art teaches us to become expert , it teaches us not to sit ideal, in competitive world solving riddles is very important , this art is always with us just we need to know it

Durvacaka­yoga: ability of practicing language difficult to be answered by others.

Pustaka­vacana: art of reciting books.

Desa­bhasha­jnana: art of knowing provincial dialects.

Abhidhana­kosha­cchando­jnana: art of the use of lexicography and meters

This early art educate us about benefit of reading and learning different language, There will be lot of books of lot of people which states there own opinion in order to obtain those knowledge we should learn new languages too, reading and learning languages can make you a perfectionist in provincial language and out of that you can create your own knowledge dictionary.

Kavya­samasya­purana: capability of solving enigmatic verses.

Pattika­vetra­bana­vikalpa: art of designing preparation of shield, cane and arrows.

Tarku­karma: knack of spinning by spindle.

All above 3 art teaches you about how to defend yourself ,the world is full of mystery instead of scared from them we should solve it, with that even some people are mysterious too , if his mystery is out of the track into the negative and he is your enemy you should be able to make weapons  with use of spindle art .

The main motive of this art is to balance good over evil, in same manner we should also fight with our negatives to possess positive

Takshana: art of carpentry.

Vastu­vidya: capability of engineering


Akara jnana: art of mineralogy.

Kavya­samasya­purana,  Pattika­vetra­bana­vikalpa, Tarku­karma, teaches about balance of good over evil Takshana, Vastu­vidya, teaches balance should be made between life and work,knowing Dhatavada and Akara art form will help humans to build, create, and evolve through timeline.

Mesha­kukkuta­lavaka­yuddha­vidhi: art of knowing the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and birds.

Suka­sarika­pralapana: artistry of maintaining or knowing conversation between male and
female cockatoos

In process of evolution humans sometimes tend to destroy nature it is important to live together with mother nature creation, at that time studying nature was mystery but in today’s world it is important to respect feelings and behaviour of animals too, to keep-up with nature.


Utsadana: capability of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes

Kriya­vikalpa: art of designing a literary work or a medical remedy

Vrikshayur­veda­yoga: art of practicing medicine or medical treatment, by herbs


This early art explains about usage of medicines, since human evolution comes with cost sometimes to balance  the nature give birth to diseases, at the same time nature has medical solution too, by use of this art preparing medicine is achievable to overcome illness

Mlecchita­kutarka­vikalpa: art of fabricating barbarous or foreign sophistry

Samvacya: knack of conversation

Nirmiti­jnana: ability of knowing prediction by heavenly voice

This early art is one of the most important for modern world, it act as a etiquette it shows the elegance and execution of skill set which act as a key to success.

Yantramatrika; art of mechanics

Leap of Progression of human evolution started when ability to move started through the  help of physics we invented forces, motion, elements, matter etc. from old time to new time development in this ancient art leads to building human race more stronger and creative and keeps top in food chain.

Chalitaka­yoga: ability of practicing as a builder of shrines.

This art educate us about mystery , There is always power behind the science which is worshiped at ancient time, even today that power is worshiped in temples with different form, which ultimately leads to cleansing our past give hope in destiny or goal

Dyuta­visesha: skill of knowing specific gambling.

Akarsha­krida: art of playing with dice or magnet

The summary of the art some things which look good are not always good

The first one act as a entertainment if these art is used only for entertainment then it is good otherwise it become form of individual destruction

Balaka­kridanaka: skill of using children’s toys

It teaches how big you are, how professional you are, how high payed you are, In life having a thought of kid inside you,  you will always stay  happy and stress free

Vainayiki vidya: art of enforcing discipline

It educate us about while attempting for success or goal or doing business or performing expert task, each and every task require discipline, it makes you life long learner and also it helps in avoiding destructions and makes you adopt to positive outlook.

Vaijayiki vidya: skill of gaining victory

This ancient art teaches about power of victory

It educate about power of victory through failure, victory makes achieve higher goals and makes you to adopt to general changing nature , victory makes you empowerful

Vaitaliki vidya: art of awakening master with music at dawn

Sometimes the solution to problem stays within our-self, at ancient time music was extensively used to get motivated to destroy evil, today the evil stays with in us we should awake positive master of our-self to fight our negative side of life, where music can be used as tool.