War is always devastating in modern world but there was 3 wars which changed history course of india it was battles of Panipat ,There were 3 battles fought in Panipat which has both negative and positive side. so let-us look into how these battles reformed india

1st battle of Panipat

confront between babur and ibrahimlodi on 21 april 1526

babur was successor of timur and emperor genghis khan

Ibrahim lodi was descendent of afganistan ruler bahlul khan lodi

Since ibrahimlodi rule was not liked by any nobels especially Daulat khan lodi (governer of Punjab) send a message to babur to invade india


Babur had 12000soliders where Ibrahim lodi had 100000 soliders due to tactics of babur using firearms and artillery and scarring enemy elephants and most important the gun powder which was first time in Indian battle to use gun powder made babur to succeed in the battle

After succeeding in battle the Mughal rule started in india even there rule was on con side there are benefit of there rule too

Constructed tajmahal, agra fort,redfort which are now jewels for Indian tourism

Creation of urdu language when Mughal rule started in today’s world according to 2018 it is 10th most spoken language in the world with number of 230 million speakers

they bought practice of keeping record of historical events with centralized government system which is one of the major part of our Indian constitution

Mughals up-to to an extent beautified Indians more by marrying persian, turks, mongols womens with up-keepment of there culture too

They adore dressing so they contributed in creation muslin,velvet,brocade etc expensive clothes which gives job to many people from history to modern world

They even created education in account of pupil needs and culture with designing of beautiful gardens



The second battle was fought between hem Chandra vikramaditya (hemu) and jalalludin Muhammad akbar on 5 november 1556

Hemu was the last hindu Samrat he captured several mughals area, bairamkhan who was Mughal army commander wanted to take revenge on this and reinstate akbar this led to 2nd battle of Panipat

With devastating effect 2nd battle of Panipat has some pros too

At this time india was facing human trafficking with cultural problems too

Since akbar came to power in this period he prohibited sati practice and He allowed widow remarriage with that prohibition of slavery and illegal human trafficking

He opened several routes to Indian trade and made international trade  with portugals

In order to minimize multiple marriages of one person he introduced marriage tax with abolishing pilgrimage tax

2nd battle of Panipat made akbar to realize importance of education so he opened several education institute with medical institute too

He introduced reforms like census fallowing with allowing equal property rights to all daughters in family in father property beside initiation of single criminal law for entire empire


it was fought between ahmed shah abdali and sadashiv rao bhao on 14 january 1761

in-order to crush the revolt power of marathas najib-ud-daulah invited abdali  ,the 3rd war panipat considered as devastating act of 18th century

At this india was famous for textile business especially the panipat was famous for it's textiles that is why it is called as "city of weavers" "textile city"

several temples were built and re-constructed  several tomb , mosque were constructed which are important part of history and are prime part of indian tourism

the third battle of panipat changed the power equation in india the mughal empire started to fade-off slowly


war is always negative act in mankind it is part of history but in modern world it is always devastating act