He was born on 15 october 1931 in rameshwaram of tamilnadu his full name is AVUL PAKIR JAINULABDEEN ABDUL KALAM

His father jainulabdeen was a boat-rower who took devotees to rameshwaram temple his mother ashiamma was house wife

His quote which is the best brains of the nation maybe found on the last benches of the classroom this word exactly matches with his life incident

when he was in 5th class while studying with his fallow hindu friend his school master didn’t like it and told him to sit on last bunch

as time moved on, the family financial problems increased too to minimize this financial burden he started to sell newspaper at the age of 10.

from childhood he was knowledge seeker He choose this work wisely because newspaper has several info which helped him to gain all the knowledge about world

from his childhood kalam sir was knowledge seeker and also science enthusiastic person

The life changing event took place when he his teacher showed the science behind the bird flying pattern since he was scientific person it made him create and drive his goal of becoming a pilot

One of the kalam sir line “if you want to shine like sun first burn like a sun” exactly matches with his next journey in his life 

After completing his primary education he joined MIT for further study even from start he faced several problems one of them is

When he made a model of rocket and his professor didn’t like the design he gave him 3 days to design new model otherwise his scholarship will get cancelled

To make new model it takes at-least 25 to 30 days since kalam sir got only 3 days to save scholarship he worked without eating and sleeping properly for 3 days after seeing the new design his professor approved the design

After completing the course in MIT he attended the  interview in AIR FORCE DEHARDUN but there was 8 position requirement for them unfortunately  kalam sir obtained 9th rank in that interview and didn’t got selected there

He didn’t let his failure to take place in his heart so in 1958 he decided to join DRDO(defense research and development organization )ministry of defense government of india

The actual journey in becoming missile man of india started from here

after working in DRDO kalam sir was promoted to INCOSPAR which now called as ISRO his work here was to make successful launch of satellite

but due to lack of tech and research facility the satellite launch event is getting delayed again he didn't take failure into his head

he used old church as workshop and bishop shop as office he literally took the rocket parts in bicycle and bullock-cart and assembled the rocket 

in 1979 apj sir was director of SLV project but due to technical issue it turned into disaster at this time satishdhawan sir was chairman of isro he took all the responsibility for project failure 

since apj sir learn from the mistake later kalam sir built SLV3 in 1980 and launched ROHINI 1 satellite which made india to become 6th member of super executive club of space faring nation

if your work is good end-result will be great his work towards country attracted several awards too for succeeding AGNI AND PRITHVI missile mission apj sir got padma bhushan in 1981 and padma-vibhushan in 1990 and for successfully testing nuclear weapon  in POKHRAN apj sir got prestigious award BHARAT RATNA 

for overall work for the country he was chosen as president of india in 25july 2002 

his wish was when die he wanted to die while working,  on 27th july 2015 he died due to cardiac arrest while he was teaching  at iim 


he was kalam-chacha for some and people president for some he was also a  engineer, scientist, professor, politician, writer, philosopher, public-speaker, musician, teacher, social worker

he was a man who live his life and inspired many