Any-kind of work is not small or not big every work has it’s own respect  one can’t survive without the help of others, so today let us look into top most chosen jobs and their benefits and negatives



It is one of the most chosen jobs by both parents and children's due to benefits like

A engineer can expect high amount of salary if he has good skill and academic marks

We can obtain professional expertise if we work continuously

Since engineering is a creative job by nature more demand can be expected nationally and internationally

The evolution of world starts with experimentation and implementation where engineers contribute more towards in it

One can expect job stability, ability to impact, sense changing society

Engineering work is blend of skill and knowledge

Since it is a valued ,rewarding job, one can obtain leadership quality

Disadvantage of engineering

Since it is widely chosen job global there will be more competition which leads to job scarcity

One of the curse to engineers is that they need to run in rat race

At first fresher need to work for more hours which leads to work stress and anxiety

It requires top schooling and college and tuition which has high fee payment for better placements

Only some sectors of engineering is subject to creativity some don’t which might to boredom in job


In the list of One of the most chosen job in India choosing doctor job also comes stands in top list


The one who is doctor can obtain a godly status since he saves life

As we humans evolve we tend to destroy mother nature creativity, if balance of nature goes missing sometimes we get rare diseases/pandemic in order to tackle with it doctors play a huge role in it

One can feel he is part of pioneer in changing world

Doctor job has no retirement age , and it is less fired job unless if you do some negative things

One can get financial stability fallowed by self satisfaction


Police and doctors don’t have fixed working time when there is a duty call they should be there

Doctors has to go with problem of lack of resource availability in some part of less developed areas

In order to study it one should be ready to spend lot of amount into it

There 20’s will be in debt and 40’s will be in paying those debt

Since they need to work for long hours one might can give enough time to their family

Lifestyle of doctors is exhausting too tiring job


The next big job which is widely chosen is scientists


They are the one who concentrate on human evolution through innovation

They introduced the concept like hibernation, germination, digestion chemical engineering, Etc


 Problem solver

Not only humans has to go with emotional problem for us the problem is also above space too these scientists study them, give a solution how to keep up with these things


You get paid for your hobby, they are the one who help in discovering new-tech, new element, chemicals, organism, space and ocean discovery


They help in both country and his own progress his research and development help country to solve problem and sell those ideas which are widely used by many, so indirectly he will help in increasing country Gdp


They don’t sit ideal there research and development helps in daily life improvement of common people, consisting  experimenting makes them expertise in there job which makes them as knowledge gainer


Less socialization

Compared to other common people there job portfolio requires more time allotment towards there work which makes them to participate in less social activity

Right things for wrong cause

His /her findings can build several master piece but some times their findings like

weapons – can be used for destruction

medicines- can be used to create new pandemic

more working hours

schedule of time is in-flexible as some of them work regularly to succeed in there field always caught up with experimenting, sometimes they even have to deal with anxiety, depression, etc

future known

scientist always work towards improvising the future the always tend to minimize future threats but to do experiment and succeed they use other species for their research and development which destroy earth ecosystem


They are the one who take country further in aspects of financial terms by doing there business



They deal with managing resources required for business proper allocation of all the things should be made at right time and right place

Up-to date

They keep themselves up-to date with changing time and tech first they obtain knowledge and skill and make others to obtain right amount of proper training ,skill and education required to run business

High pay scale

If a manger has right kind of skill and knowledge his salary ranges from 3.6lakh to 25.3lakh

Better workforce

For country to develop gdp is very important since management professionals has the knowledge to carry out finance. marketing, HR,IT, international business, health and supply chain they ultimately contribute on country gdp

Global exposure

Since they have knowledge about all the sectors management professionals can become entrepreneurs ,where there services are in demand globally



Since they have a huge knowledge regarding every sector if some management professional out-grown by his goal, they might control the country law indirectly where he makes the move according to his game


Since business involves changing environment if management professional fails to adopt to government rules and regulation, people demand and market trend , the workers might feel job -in -security he needs constantly update his business with right people and tech


They have the ability to build and destroy sometimes in order to increase there business potential , they may focus on rapid expansion and growth, putting others job in risk

Pain of power

In order to obtain professional power you have to work hard round the clock 24/7 , sometimes when you reach entrepreneur position to retain that power you are indirectly forced to commit negative things


They have two option retain your character and do positive business or in order to reach certain level you were forced to move on from any emotion and do negative business,  at one particular point you might loose your best character


These kind of jobs are most preferred by middle class section because of best job security


Fixed time

Majority of the government job have fixed time of 9 to 5 which allows you to be stress free, maintain good health and social status and more time to family

Job hoping

Since here they work for fixed payment and fixed time they enjoy financial stability with high rate of job satisfaction with less job hoping


One of the greatest benefit government employee enjoys is allowance things like  TA , DA , and retirement benefits makes daily life easier benefits like medical claims, housing loan, vacation are given to them than the private job

Pay scale

Pay scale foe entry and middle level are better in government than private job you are paid fixed amount with paid leaves sometimes, financial strength might be grater than private job


Some of the government jobs in ISRO, DRDO, ARMED FORCES, CIVIL SERVICES  pas you with good respect in the society due to phenomenal services for the country helps you in earning greater respect for you and your family



Since government jobs fallows only certain way of doing job and you perform static work and perform in similar manner you might obtain skills in a slower phase

Job satisfaction

 For these Jobs security will be there but satisfaction will be minimum due to repetitive work culture , there are several examples of people who left government jobs due to it’s mechanic/robotic work nature

More time

For aspiring people who want be Doctor and government jobs there 20’s will be in kind of debt if you want to pass EXAMS LIKE IPS , IAS, IFC  one should dedicate lot of energy and time

On an average 90,000 to 1,00,000 candidates apply for UPSC exam in order to be at top list you have to make day and night as one


the promotion in government job is not based on skill, the higher position is given to those who from reserved class or to senior people, your skill and knowledge doesn't taken into count up to an extent


some government jobs involves political pressure your not allowed to take any independent decision and even due to corruption sometimes you are forced to do negative things in your job.


every job has it's own advantage and disadvantage every job should be done with good heart