War is always a complexity act by humans from the history humans fought war even though it has some pros and cons at that time toady war never have any benefit due to kind of weapon advancement. War is a devastating act in human evolution so let us look into side effects of war

Every time a war starts innocent people die every-time 


Huge amount of gdp fall will rise in the war hosting country which leads to loss on national income and per-capita income

For example; in 2019 russia tourism contributed 3.4%total gdp but due to ongoing crisis these numbers will fall   even more

several bans are imposed on war hosting country which directly/indirectly effect gdp

Various forms of business deals will take fall off several co-operate company has to bear big amount of  loss

The war hosting countries will increase there debt rate trap since majority of finance are spent on purchasing weapons and other war equipment

After war was declared between Russia and Ukraine with one hour 130billion loss has happened in the stock market


Millions of people who came to the country for various purpose will migrate to other places which will create un-employment in the country

Every country tries to defend there territory but due to war the working force over there are called off to battle field which makes territory defense weak at the border area

Effecting people war also destroys dreams as well with that people might take law in there hands and even massive people will start panic looting which leads to millions of loss

Day to day earning becomes static after war math will start which breeds high tax and service rate imposition on people

At war time the pay scale of employees will be at stack or on hold and people might start panic selling in the market.  With that cash dealing and cash withdrawal in ATM and banks issue will arise

The cost maximization will reach to home products the homemade food price will definitely rise as the raw material price used for them will increase


various forms of entertainment business deal will fall off  for example; in on going war of Russia and Ukraine various institution like Disney, warner-bros, etc has paused the distribution of new movies in Russia as a result one more source of tax form will get affected

With foreign tourism getting effected the concentration on megaprojects other plans and programmes of the country will head in slower phase

At war time cyberwar will increase as a result a threat may increase in stealing digital copy of films so majority of big house try avoid release of any big movies or events

other events like sports music and cultural events will take pause


sometimes the source of fresh water will get affected as more number of cyanide and nitrate etc will increase

a sudden increase of gases in atmosphere will effect several human body parts

Since war needs several weapons to manufacture those indirectly the extraction of natural resource will increase the unusual extraction of resource will effect on earth natural balance

The bombed area might loose it’s fertility which cause trampling of lands which makes those lands unable to grow new plants

Due to nuclear war the smoke cloud will increase as chain reaction to it sun rays will take more time to reach land area as a result more sand-strom will occur which leads to frequent power grid failure

To simplify take a look at this example

From 1990 to 2007  1/3 of afghanistan forest disappeared and the amount of migrating birds passing through afghanistan has been fallen down to 85% due ti it's war rampage activity

even i got so many points but cutdown several points  even war affect creativity


side effects of war

in war time the war hosting countries needs hands of other countries has result creation new friend country and treating opposite war hosting country as enemy will eventually stay for long time .

As result several other country directly or indirectly will participate in the war. the arms manufacturer makes huge profit margin

A new race will began The nor 1 country try to retain it’s position while other country try to become next super power  this happens every-time in war this phase will increase

The rural development pickup slower phase because in war the main infrastructure area is targeted and destroyed.  the war hosting country government will concentrate more towards re-building the those infrastructure due to this rural development plans and programmes will get delayed

The export and import business of the country will definitely decline which creates vacuum gap, if war hosting country export several goods and services around the globe those will get affected in order to full fill those requirements the powerful country should enter into business which is another kind of problem

the production cost will increase due to raise in tax , transport and  logistics  cost on another hand FDI(foreign direct investment) for the country will decrease

in world war 2 high school enrollment from 1941-1944  dropped to 5.5 million from 6.7 million if nuclear war happens by any chance imagine these numbers  in more rate 


blood .death, destruction by war is extinction of human learnings and creativity the  in order to survive peacefully war should be circumvented