Films are one of those media which can inspire ,motivate ,mass number people the only thing which humans can takeaway at the end time  is the memories films can create generate those memories through other characters on screen   so let us look how films are made in modern world

It started at the time of kings rule were huge crowd of people gatherings were held and artist used to perform kings achievement as time evolved the way of showcasing movie changed

There is no evidence of who exactly invented films but tracking back in 1891 edison company made a kinetoscope which showcased moving pictures to one person at a time.

It was showcased on public for first time in 1893 with in one year the kinetoscope was a massive success .with time movie started to evolve monologue,street plays etc came into practice now it is being showcased in theatre

Today films industry deals and earns in massive amount on a fact note Mumbai alone gives more than 46% entertainment tax to india

Every films are made in these five steps








It is the the first step in creation of film here creation,writing,organizing and planning process takes director himself create story or might hire a screenplay writer or may have his own team

Here they create story,and figureout financial aspect of the project once story is created it moves to next stage


It is intensive process in film-making because every planning are made here which includes

 new audition calls ,finalizing hero and heroines ,figure-outing supporting actors, with finalizing technician like

cinematographer,assistant director,makeupartist,costume member,construction of set and days of shoot overall decision on final cast and crew are taken in here

here they also have a backup plan for the project once it is completed it moves over to next process


in here the actual game begins  shooting the actual footages are rolled out

the directors ,assistant and other crew members acts in one place and make sure that every thing is going as per the plan

if not they might use the backup plan here which was prepared at the time of pre-production

once it is roll-out the movie process moves to next stage


here footages are reassembled in theatre movie need claps,whistle,shouts of audience for that the film needs to go this process

here the process of making film blockbuster hit is made by processing film,coloring it ,adding sfx sounds,with vfx

the raw footages are converted into digital media files and given in hard copy to producer from here the next step starts which is


if company introduce any new products they promote there promote through ads similarly ads are created for films

hero,heroines,director promote there film by attending physical functions, interviews,audio function at the same time producer and distributor promote movie through placing ads in tv,mobiles,news,and other social media platforms

as this one is completed it moves to last process which is


Here the physical copy of the film is sold  by producer to distributor to sub-distributer to exhibitors then it is passed to sub distributor some times it might even passed to exhibitors also

Then they decide numbers of theatres it should run

Sometimes actors and director  decide to become producer and co-producer for film to eliminate middle-mens

Even  without release films tend to make crores of money through issuing remakes rights,music rights,ott release ,premiere on tv etc

To simplify let us look at business of sultan movie

Sultan movie was made in budget of 145cr earned profit of 623cr all of these money is distributed accordingly to different people for there works

Out of 623cr the amount get minimized and final amount will be the profit for movie maker

Out of 623cr 30% goes to entertainment tax which is 120cr after 500cr left

Since yashraj was producer and distributer of the movie they take 20% share 100cr profit leftover is 400cr

Since yashraj also spend 20cr on advertising it out of 100cr profit minus 20cr left over is 80cr

Since major profit is 400cr then it distributed between theatres and distributors even at the time of casting if actor demanded 50-50% share if movie cross certain amount it should be issued if any agreement is not made between producer and actor then the whole amount stays with producer as a profit


Movie involves lot of people hard and smart work even it generates lots of employment in the country so please watch it in theatres kill piracy